With more than 80,000 registered members the successful southgerman dynamic ridesharing offering company flinc now want's to conquer the rest of the world, just one year after their foundation.
Their Motto "social mobility network - the clever ride sharing for every day" underlines their Advantages and strengths.
What do you need to do if you want to use flinc?
Then, what is also a proof and an important security aspect, you create an Account for you, with a Picture and your Cars numberplate. Via this Profile others can rate you after they rode with you or you with them. Was the person sympathetic, an awfull driver and so on and so on.
But flinc is not just some kind of Carsharing, no, there are more aspects than just driving with foreign people. It's also the economical and environmental aspect.
Instead of driving alone in your Car, getting new petrol every week or every second, you now start a ridesharing. You save fuel, maybe you'll loose time, maybe you'll win time (more Ferrari owners need to become flinc members, indeed!) and alongside you meet new people.
So, summarized, flinc is a great way to travel low-cost, individual and spontanious. Currently the service is only available for the german roads, but Countrys like Austria and Denmark will follow soon, I've read somewhere ;-)
Editors Note: HAPPY BIRTHDAY for your one year anniversary flinc, hopefully there will be many more!
Both Pictures were taken from flinc.org and are official press photos.
Better travel low cust with this crisis.
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