It's Instagram Travel Day again and today I want to share 25 Instagrams of Myanmar with you!
Personally I'm not a huge fan of those black and white pictures at the end, they are not demonstrating the power, beautifull- and colorfulness of Myanmar, as you can see in the first Pictures. But when I was searching on Instagram for #myanmar Pictures I found only 35 ones.
PEOPLE, we need to CHANGE that!
(for sure all the Pictures are linked back to their original uploader/owner. Click on the Picture for it.)

YOUNG INDEPENDENT TRAVELER: A Travel Blog for young people who want to discover our beautiful world. Answering the Questions WHERE TO STAY and WHAT TO VISIT and giving new Inspirations for WHERE TO GO.
5 times a week new and interesting things!
But don't forget ... everything is still under construction! ;-)
Where to go • Where to stay • What to visit
About | Contact
Tuesday, September 4, 2012
Tuesday, August 28, 2012
25 Instagrams of #Capetown
The Travel around the Globe continues, it's Thursday and time for another Instagram Tavel. Today I planned to share pictures of #Durban in South Africa with you but I haven't found ANY Picture on Instagram. Then i tried #MosselBay. Again no result ... The third and last search was for #Capetown, where I finally found 15 Pictures.
People, when you ever go to South Africa, take some Pictures with Instagram and upload them! But now, enjoy some nice Impressions of Capewotn.
People, when you ever go to South Africa, take some Pictures with Instagram and upload them! But now, enjoy some nice Impressions of Capewotn.
Friday, August 24, 2012
Free Fun in Paris - Musée, Food, Wifi and more
A few Days ago I've already posted a Map of Paris where you can find Cafes where you can buy Coffee for 1 € or less. And you liked it. Me as well, for sure!
On the german HRS Blog Author Katja Ollech was writing about all the things you get in Paris FOR FREE (!!!!!) Among them are Massages, Food, free entrance to several Musée or even a free entry to Disnleyland Paris. How? Continue reading!
On the german HRS Blog Author Katja Ollech was writing about all the things you get in Paris FOR FREE (!!!!!) Among them are Massages, Food, free entrance to several Musée or even a free entry to Disnleyland Paris. How? Continue reading!
Free Fun,
How to Travel,
Low Cost,
Travel Inspiration,
Travel Lifestyle,
Where to go
Thursday, August 23, 2012
15 Inspiring Travel Quotes Part I of II
When it's about Travel Inspiration Quotes by wise people can help a lot, too.
Henry Miller, J. R. R. Tolkien and Lao tzu are just a few of the "great travelers".
I've collected 30 that represent my personal affiliation with Travels and Traveling the best but separated them into two Parts so you can enjoy them two times instead of just once ;-)
Part 2 will follow pretty soon.
Henry Miller, J. R. R. Tolkien and Lao tzu are just a few of the "great travelers".
I've collected 30 that represent my personal affiliation with Travels and Traveling the best but separated them into two Parts so you can enjoy them two times instead of just once ;-)
Part 2 will follow pretty soon.
Wednesday, August 22, 2012
One Day at ... Tettnang, Germany
What I can really recommend to everyone, especially when you don't have a huge travel budget and though want to see a lot, is to discover places and cities next to where you live/grew up. It helps you to understand and realize how beautiful the region is, where you live and/or grew up.
So, last week I did it: I spent a whole day at the Montfort City Tettnang, just like a normal tourist.
(I went to school there for two years, but I still didn't knew some of the Places I've visited)
So, last week I did it: I spent a whole day at the Montfort City Tettnang, just like a normal tourist.
(I went to school there for two years, but I still didn't knew some of the Places I've visited)
Day Trip,
Lake of Constance,
Low Cost,
Travel Blog,
Where to go
Tuesday, August 21, 2012
25 Instagrams of #SanFrancisco
And again it's Tuesday, and so the Instagram Travel Journey takes us today to San Francisco in sunny California.
I especially like the picture with the decorative jeans, can you find the one I mean? ;-)
I especially like the picture with the decorative jeans, can you find the one I mean? ;-)
Monday, August 20, 2012
my personal TO TRAVEL List
This List is something like my "dream come true" list, all my dreams, hopes and wishes in one Blogpost: my personal TO TRAVEL List!
Every time one of the here named experiences came true I'll tick them off. Hope to be able to do it pretty soon :)
Of course I'll add new things as soon as they blow up in my mind.
Every time one of the here named experiences came true I'll tick them off. Hope to be able to do it pretty soon :)
Of course I'll add new things as soon as they blow up in my mind.
Friday, August 17, 2012
Virgin America and Boo, the world cutest dog
I know this is not the latest of the latest news, but probably the most cutest of the past summer season - Virgin America teamed up with Boo, the worlds cutest dog, as their Pet Liaison.
If you're following Boo on Facebook you might have already seen that he really really loves to travel (just like a human being) and I think this Cooperation includes some free Travels for Boo, Buddy and human.
To celebrate this they did a Photoshoot at the San Francisco Terminal 2 (SFO). You find some examples of this shooting below.
Have a nice Weekend everyone, enjoy the sun!
If you're following Boo on Facebook you might have already seen that he really really loves to travel (just like a human being) and I think this Cooperation includes some free Travels for Boo, Buddy and human.
To celebrate this they did a Photoshoot at the San Francisco Terminal 2 (SFO). You find some examples of this shooting below.
Have a nice Weekend everyone, enjoy the sun!
San Francisco,
Traveling with Animals,
Virgin America
Wednesday, August 15, 2012
The Way Business Men pack
MR PORTER, the male pendat to net-a-porter, asked three Business Man to Pack their Bag/Suitcase for a usual Business Trip.
First you will see Mr. Ellis, artist manager and company director at Scruffy Bird Management. Second Mr Hoar, co-founder and director at executive search firm Hoar Marshall and third Mr. Offergeld, publisher of both german Magazines Intersection and Fräulein. All three travel on average between 10 to 50 times a year.
My personal favorite of the Bags is the "Henry Compact Wheeled Suitcase" by Mulberry. Business-like, big enough for the most important things and stylish - a perfect and handsome companion.
First you will see Mr. Ellis, artist manager and company director at Scruffy Bird Management. Second Mr Hoar, co-founder and director at executive search firm Hoar Marshall and third Mr. Offergeld, publisher of both german Magazines Intersection and Fräulein. All three travel on average between 10 to 50 times a year.
"There is definitely an art to packing, but I'm yet to perfect it. Even after years of travel, I'm still learning" Mr. Hoar quotes.
My personal favorite of the Bags is the "Henry Compact Wheeled Suitcase" by Mulberry. Business-like, big enough for the most important things and stylish - a perfect and handsome companion.
Tuesday, August 14, 2012
25 Instagrams of #Chile
It's Tuesday and that means: INSTAGRAM TRAVEL Day, wuhu!
Today I want to share some Pictures of Chile with you. (Originally I just wanted to use Santiago Pictures today, but there were just too less on Instagram, so the whole Country now has to do.
Watching at all these Pictures really makes me want to go there, what about you? Have you ever been there?
Today I want to share some Pictures of Chile with you. (Originally I just wanted to use Santiago Pictures today, but there were just too less on Instagram, so the whole Country now has to do.
Watching at all these Pictures really makes me want to go there, what about you? Have you ever been there?
Monday, August 13, 2012
From A to B with flinc - dynamic ridesharing 2.0
You never heard of flinc before? Then you might not live in Germany.
With more than 80,000 registered members the successful southgerman dynamic ridesharing offering company flinc now want's to conquer the rest of the world, just one year after their foundation.
Their Motto "social mobility network - the clever ride sharing for every day" underlines their Advantages and strengths.
What do you need to do if you want to use flinc?
With more than 80,000 registered members the successful southgerman dynamic ridesharing offering company flinc now want's to conquer the rest of the world, just one year after their foundation.
Their Motto "social mobility network - the clever ride sharing for every day" underlines their Advantages and strengths.
What do you need to do if you want to use flinc?
Thursday, August 9, 2012
Flying with SAS is always fun, check this out!
Just imagine you really want to attend an Event and instead of one Flight you have two ones (1 flight: 1,5h to travel; 2 flighs: 4 h) and through this you arrive about 4 hours too late. Anyway, 4 hours are not 24, so it's okay ...
Somehow you finally landed and theeeeen the Stewardesses* start to sing.
That's what happened to me with SAS in July on my way to Copenhagen, check this Video out, you will be amused :-)
Somehow you finally landed and theeeeen the Stewardesses* start to sing.
That's what happened to me with SAS in July on my way to Copenhagen, check this Video out, you will be amused :-)
Funny Travelling Experience,
Travel Blog
Wednesday, August 8, 2012
Coffees in Paris, for one euro or less - Map
When you once went to Paris you know that the easiest and simplest things can be grossly overpriced. Or not!
Everyone knows that the prizes around all the tourism hotspots in this world are "not normal" and that only because the tourists don't want to walk any more meters to find a more affordable place.
Via Google I found this Map of Paris "les cafés à 1 euro ou moins" (Coffees in Paris, for one euro or less) and mpre than 53,000 views proof the usefulness of this Map, created by 'Noemie' in June 2012.
During my next trip to Paris in September I will try to use it and report you if the prizes are really at 1€ or less :-)
Of course I don't want to withhold you this nice Tool, have fun with it. I hope you find it at least as helpful as I do.
Everyone knows that the prizes around all the tourism hotspots in this world are "not normal" and that only because the tourists don't want to walk any more meters to find a more affordable place.
Via Google I found this Map of Paris "les cafés à 1 euro ou moins" (Coffees in Paris, for one euro or less) and mpre than 53,000 views proof the usefulness of this Map, created by 'Noemie' in June 2012.
During my next trip to Paris in September I will try to use it and report you if the prizes are really at 1€ or less :-)
Of course I don't want to withhold you this nice Tool, have fun with it. I hope you find it at least as helpful as I do.
Google Maps,
Where to go,
Young Independent Traveler
Tuesday, August 7, 2012
25 Instagrams of #Indonesia
Up from now there will be a new weekly based series here on Young Independent Traveler: Instagram Travel!
What will it be about?
Every Tuesday I will take you on a Travel around the globe, captured just with Instragam Photos.
(for sure all the Pictures will be linked back to their original uploader/owner. Click on the Picture for it.)
And today I will start with #Indonesia Pictures. Have fun and I hope you enjoy them as well as I do!
What will it be about?
Every Tuesday I will take you on a Travel around the globe, captured just with Instragam Photos.
(for sure all the Pictures will be linked back to their original uploader/owner. Click on the Picture for it.)
And today I will start with #Indonesia Pictures. Have fun and I hope you enjoy them as well as I do!
Monday, August 6, 2012
Copenhagen is the Capital of Denmark. With a population of XX it's the Country's largest City.
I'm young, I'm wild, I'm free and I love to Travel. To expire new things and giving People like you fresh and new Travel Inspirations. (check out: Instagram Travel).
Personally, my name is Lisa, I'm 19 (still a Teenager, yai) and have my home-base in the south of Germany, between the Alps and Cows.
I also recommend you my another and older Blog-Baby The Car Addict (Autoblog).
Things that are definitely on my list to do in the future:
riding a Rickshaw in Asia,
drinking a coconut in India,
driving the Route 66 but not by Car (maybe by a Segway or Bike),
lying on the sandy beaches of Miami Beach,
riding a Bike in Amsterdam,
building a snowman somewhere in north Scandinavia,
more can be found on my personal TO TRAVEL List.
Young Independent Traveler |
You or your Company are interested in Advertising on YIT or want to start a Collaboration?
Don't hesitate to get in touch with me, I'm always interested in new and exciting things!
In this case either use the Contact form above or of course you can also write me an E-Mail to
Friday, August 3, 2012
Wednesday, August 1, 2012
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Lisa Schwarz
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